Falkirk Digital TeachMeet – Wednesday 15 March 2017
Time: 4.30pm – 6.30pm
Refreshments available from 4.00pm
Venue: Victoria Primary School, Middlefield Road , Falkirk FK2 9HF
What is a TeachMeet?
A TeachMeet is an informal gathering of those curious about learning and teaching. The theme of our TeachMeet is the use of digital technology to enhance the learning of our pupils. This is for teachers from any sector and from any part of the country.
You can follow at @FDTeachMeet
and email us @ digitalteachmeetfalkirk@gmail.com
Where to find out more?
Click on this link to find out more, including the list of those already lined up to present
Where to Sign Up?
Click on the Eventbrite Link below to sign up – it’s free!
Looking forward to hearing from you.